Cover by the splendid DrRiptide.
You can read a short blurb at my blog post here, or go straight to the book's page at Smashwords here. You can also find it at Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBooks.
In a couple of days, the price of the book will be raised to US$2.99, but if you have pre-ordered the book or if you purchase it before the price rise you'll get it for US$0.99.
Thank you to those who pre-ordered the book, and thank you to everyone who buys and reads it.
For the past three years, at the end of December, I have published a Raymond book. I have really enjoyed this tradition, and I hope my readers have too. However, Raymond's Secret is the last Raymond book for the time being – at this point I have no idea if there will be a fourth in the series.
2019 was a bumpy year for this author, with a handful of joys and triumphs and a handful of heartbreaks and miseries. Whatever it was like for you, I wish you a happy transition to the new year, and, in 2020, more joys and triumphs than heartbreaks and miseries.
Peace to you.