Sunday, 31 December 2017

My seventh book: Raymond

As a special post-Christmas surprise, I have just published another book!

Cover by the inimitable DrRiptide.

A short blurb:
Toby Wilson’s considered opinion is that his classmate Raymond is weird. Intelligent, poised, and strangely sophisticated for a teenage schoolboy, Raymond seems decent enough: he did save Wilson’s life, after all; but is he really just a weird teenager with unusual eyes and a foreign accent or is he far older than he looks? And does he keep staring at people’s blood, or is it Wilson’s imagination?

It is currently available, free, on Smashwords. Here's the link:
You might also find it at your preferred e-book retailer. 

This fulfills my goal of publishing three books this year. It was a battle, but I did it.

Have a peaceful end of 2017, and may 2018 bring more joy and peace than this year, and its predecessor, have.
Either way, keep fighting. Keep hoping. Keep surviving. Outlast and outshine the darkness.
Breathe deep. Seek peace.

Peace to all of you.