Thursday, 31 January 2019

Poem: If I Called

If I Called 

26 January, 2006.

If a voice through darkest midnight
Reached your ears as you Southward journeyed,
Would you turn and start the road back?
– If I called you, would you come?

If a cry upon the salt wind
Touched your heart as with waves you fought,
Would you manhandle the boat about?
– If I called you, would you come?

If your name spoken in suff'ring
Tore through air and through space to reach you,
Would you drop what you were doing?
– If I called you, would you come?

If I weep alone at midnight;
If I cry out in the battering wind;
If I moan your name in pleading –
If I call you, will you come?

If you need me to be near you,
If you cry though the distance is great,
I will turn and start the road back –
If you call me, I will come.


I also post short poems to Tumblr sometimes. You can find them by searching my Tumblr blog for the tag 'poem'.