Sunday, 31 March 2019

Poem: The Truth

The Truth 

March, 2006.  

I told you of magic carpets,
Of phoenixes, genies, and kings;
And you believed me.

I told you of dragons,
Of rocs and wyverns and satyrs,
And you believed me.

I told you of a place where the sky is purple,
Of floating islands and hoards of gold,
Of forests where magic is rife —
And you believed me.

I told you of unicorns, miracles, and angels;
I told you of fire and water and earth;
I told you of sweet air and magic swords —
And you believed me.

There are mountains that hold up the sky;
There are rings that can make you invisible;
There are magic wells that can heal wounds —
And you believed me.

And then I told you what no one else knew.

I told you the truth.

And like no one else had,

You believed me.