Tuesday, 31 August 2021

In which G. Wulfing invites you to visit Tumblr

I have, in the last few months, made my Tumblr blog fancier. It now has a page where you can see all my published books, complete with blurbs, links, and their gorgeous covers made by Dr Riptide. It also has a fancy new header image. 

On Tumblr I mostly publish short, miscellaneous posts about writing, arguing with my brain, and ranting about things. I also post a link to my latest blog post every time I publish one. 

(Of course, if you are one of my Tumblr followers and you see, on Tumblr, a post inviting you to click the link to this blog post, this blog post will be inviting you to return from whence you came. Please enjoy the irony as my gift to you.) 

I have started making moodboards for my stories — which is a more demanding and time-consuming art than many might think, but very satisfying — and you can view them here. I'm quite proud of them.